Step by Step guide on How to Make UPI Payments on WhatsApp

Ensure You Have UPI Set Up: Before you can make UPI payments on WhatsApp, make sure you have a UPI-enabled bank account linked to your mobile number. If you haven't set up UPI yet, you can do so through your bank's mobile app or directly through the UPI-supported apps available on the app store.

Update WhatsApp: Ensure that you have the latest version of WhatsApp installed on your smartphone. You can update WhatsApp from your device's app store (Google Play Store for Android, App Store for iOS).

Open WhatsApp and Go to the Chat: Open WhatsApp on your smartphone and navigate to the chat of the person you want to send money to.

Click on the Attachment Icon: In the chat window, look for the attachment icon (paperclip or "+" icon) usually located next to the text input field. Tap on it to open the attachment options.

Select Payment Option: From the list of options, select the "Payment" option. This will open the payment interface within WhatsApp.

Enter Payment Amount: Enter the amount you want to send to the recipient. You can also add a note to the payment if you wish.

Choose Payment Method: WhatsApp will ask you to choose a payment method. Since you're making a UPI payment, select the UPI option.

Select Bank Account: If you have multiple bank accounts linked to your UPI ID, WhatsApp will prompt you to select the bank account from which you want to make the payment.

Enter UPI PIN: After selecting your bank account, WhatsApp will prompt you to enter your UPI PIN to authenticate the transaction. Enter the PIN associated with your bank account.

Confirm Payment: Once you enter the UPI PIN, WhatsApp will process the payment. After a few moments, you'll receive a confirmation message indicating that the payment was successful.

Check Transaction Details: You can check the transaction details within the chat itself. WhatsApp will display a payment confirmation message along with the transaction amount and any notes you added.

Inform Recipient: Let the recipient know that you've sent the payment. They'll receive a notification about the payment in their WhatsApp chat.